
How to implement a Queue?

First, let me see if you know what queue is.

Think of a bank, there’s a queue, right? The first person to arrive is (probably) the first to be served. And that’s a queue! Congratulations, you already know what queue is. Go implement it!

Just kidding.

A queue is a linear structure that follows an order: First in, First out (FIFO) [1].

It basically has four operations, Enqueue, Dequeue, front and rear. See image below for illustration.

From MORAIS (2018)
  • Enqueue: adds an item to the end of the queue
  • Rear: get the last item in the queue
  • Dequeue: removes an item at the beginning of the queue
  • Front: get the first item in the queue

Whenn use a queue? In cases where you only need front and rear access and the order is First In, First Out (FIFO).

Implement a Queue

You’re going to need a Node, we are going to use a struct in C. Struct group variables under the same data. The idea is to allow you to store and group data into a single data category.

This Node can be a Person or a Car whatever you need, you can change it to whatever you want, this is just an example. But, it needs to have a pointer to the next Node, we are going to use this pointer as a guide through the Queue, so don’t forget about that.

From Bottino(2021)
// your struct 
typedef struct node{
    int info;
    struct node *next;

Now that we have a Node struct, we have to initialize our Node. Let’s say our info and we point our pointer to NULL. Why? Because we still don’t know who the next Node will be, but we already know our information.

From Bottino(2021)
// your function to creat a Node 
Node * createNode(int info){
    Node * node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->next = NULL;
    node->info = info;
    return node;

// you can call it later as
// Node * node = createNode(info);

We now have our Node with a pointer to another Node. Lets make the Queue, how is also a struct in C.

For the Queue, we are need to know the Nodes at the front and rear, for that we need two pointers. We are going to use the front to know which Node is the first, and the rear to know wich Node is the last. Also its important to know its size

From Bottino(2021)
// your queue 
typedef struct queue{
    Node * front, * rear;
    int size;

When we initialize our queue we nee to point both Front and rear to null and also set size as zero. why? Because our queue is empty

From Bottino(2021)
Queue * createQueue(){
    Queue * queue = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    queue->front = queue->rear = NULL;
    queue->size = 0;
    return queue;
// you can call it later as
// Queue * queue = createQueue();

Remeber the four operatons? We can get the last and first item in the queue with the front and the rear as follown:


Let’s continue our implementation, we still need to do the Enqueue and the Dequeue.

To populate our Queue we use the Enqueue, and to do so we need a Node and a Queue. That is why our function have those as parameters.

void enqueue(Queue * queue, Node * node){
    // you can call it later as 
    // enqueue(queue, node);

Now, we can just add our Node in rear and front of the Queue, and also increase the size.

void enqueue(Queue * queue, Node * node){
    queue->front = node;
    queue->rear = node;

However, if you try to do this, you will find that it doesn’t work as we thought. Our Queue should tell who is the new rear AND who is the previous rear. For that, we are going to point our pointer next in the rear to the new Node. After that, we can make our rear be the new Node.

So let’s create a condition for if it’s not empty.

void enqueue(Queue * queue, Node * node){
    // if empty
    // the first node will be also the last
    if(queue->rear == NULL){
        queue->front = node;
        queue->rear = node;
        // the last but one will be our old rear
        queue->rear->next = node;
        // the last will be our new rear
        queue->rear = node;

And now, you have created and populated your Queue.

Let’s make it Dequeue. To dequeue you will only need the Queue itself.

void dequeue(Queue * queue){
    // you can call it later as 
    // dequeue(queue);

We can just remove the first node.

void dequeue(Queue * queue){

But, (there is always a but) if you do only that you wont be updating the new front. To do that we are going to need a auxiliar Node, aux, it is just a pointer to the front, in other words the first Node in the Queue. Now you can update the front be the next in our aux.

void dequeue(Queue * queue){
    Node * aux = queue->front;
    queue->front = aux->next;

We are almost at the end. We only need to be certain that the Queue is not empty. Lets make some ifs.

void dequeue(Queue * queue){
    if(queue->front == NULL){
        printf("Empty Queue!\n");
        Node * aux = queue->front;
        queue->front = aux->next;
        if(queue->front == NULL){
            queue->rear = NULL;

The Big-O notation

Data Structure Time Complexity Space Complexity
Average Worst Worst
Access Search Insertion Deletion Access Search Insertion Deletion
QueueO(n) O(n) O(1) O(1) O(n) O(n) O(1) O(1) O(n)


 * Giovanna Borges Bottino 
 * giovannabbottino@gmail.com
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node{
    int info;
    struct node *next;

typedef struct queue{
    Node * front, * rear;
    int size;

Queue * createQueue();
Node * createNode(int info);
void enqueue(Queue * queue, Node * node);
void dequeue(Queue * queue);

int main(){
    int info = 0;
    Node * node = createNode(info);

    Queue * queue = createQueue();

    enqueue(queue, node);

    return 0;

Queue * createQueue(){
    Queue * queue = (Queue *) malloc(sizeof(Queue));
    queue->front = queue->rear = NULL;
    queue->size = 0;
    return queue;

Node * createNode(int info){
    Node * node = (Node *) malloc(sizeof(Node));
    node->next = NULL;
    node->info = info;
    return node;

void enqueue(Queue * queue, Node * node){
    if(queue->rear == NULL){
        queue->front = node;
        queue->rear = node;
        queue->rear->next = node;
        queue->rear = node;

void dequeue(Queue * queue){
    if(queue->front == NULL){
        printf("Empty Queue!\n");
        Node * aux = queue->front;
        queue->front = aux->next;
        if(queue->front == NULL){
            queue->rear = NULL;


[1] GEEKSFORGEEKS, (2021) Queue Data Structure. GeeksforGeeks. Available at: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/queue-data-structure/. Accessed: December 21, 2021.

[2] MORAIS, J. (2018) RTOS: Uso de Queue para sincronização e comunicação de tarefas. Embarcados. Available at: https://www.embarcados.com.br/rtos-queue-sincronizacao-e-comunicacao/. Accessed: December 21, 2021.